Novel approaches to ecological restoration
There are so many opportunities for employing new techniques and technologies to ecological restoration practices that have huge potential to enhance success. Our lab is involved in a series of projects that explore some of the less common approaches to restoration. We collaborate with University of California, Davis to study opportunities of strip seeding. We also are involved in greenstrip experiments in northern Arizona and central Nevada in collaboration with the Grand Canyon Trust, University of Nevada, Reno and USGS. Finally, we manage two sites of the USGS Restoration Assessment and Monitoring in Arizona where we investigate the use of conmods, mulch and strategic seeding to restore degraded aridlands.

Outputs from this work:
The use of spatially patterned for vegetation restoration and management across systems
Using strip seeding to test how restoration design affects randomness of community assembly
The use of strip-seeding for management of two late-season invasive plants